Pride Parade 2021 – Saturday 10/07 8pm
The Pride Parade is being held this year.
There will be some Covid restrictions as seen below. (source: https://www.facebook.com/pubgaytabu/posts/2918980568365482 )
Hitchin’ Posts Gone
The posts on Hotel Street were got out without a hitch or time to take one last photo. The best one can do is...
Wildlife Signs
It has been widely reported that the village in association with the Asociación salvemos el Salar de los Canos has placed new wildlife signs...
Tragic Discovery
Unfortunately this is not an April fools story.
La Voz de Almeria reported the morning of the first of April that the body of a...
That Sinking Feeling
*** Exclusive to Vera Playa News ***
While La Vox de Almería attributes the sink hole that appeared on March 18th at Villaricos to sea...
Spring Touch-up 2021
After more than a month of work the repainting of first section of Parque Vera on calle Ciudad de Tarragona has been finished. While...
Duelling Hammers
Over the past few weeks the sounds of construction have been echoing past our copper colored goddess "Lady of the Lake" in the middle...
Happy Nude Year
Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC
"At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui...